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A breakthrough documentary series that gives a robust history of Marxism and Communism and its infiltration into Western culture. It defines the enemies of the West, the tactics used to erode personal liberties and the techniques used to brainwash and control the population. A vast list influential and knowledgable interviewees in a variety of fields give their expert and sometimes controversial points of view on the invisible war being waged against Democracy.
This series outlines the following topics:

• The influence of China and its influence on the American Political system

• Big tech industry, the taboo topics, the motivations and tactics behind censorship. • International banking system, the power players, and where the money is funneled.

• W.H.O and how the global response to the COVID pandemic has political overtones.

• Big media, “fake news” and propaganda techniques throughout the world.

• The American Constitution, its purpose, and why it is the solitary threat to the New World Order.

• BLM, Antifa, and their Marxist agendas. • An insider’s view of Communist China and the untold history of the CCP • Does your vote count? An expose of the rampant voter fraud in the US and globally.

• The politicians and organizations who are at the front lines, exposing the lies of the enemies and defending the constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic. 

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